
How much student support can I receive?

Aug 29, 2024

Bafoeg maximum rate

If you, as a pupil or student, want to apply for financial support in form of BAföG, it is important to understand your BAföG demand. This consists of the basic allowance, housing allowance, and potential surcharges, such as health and nursing care insurance contributions. The maximum rate is the highest amount you can receive if you meet all the requirements.

Note: The calculated need is not always the same as the maximum rate.

With our BAföG calculator from LeistungsLotse, you can quickly and easily calculate how much BAföG you are entitled to. Check now!

1. What is BAföG demand and how is it calculated?

The BAföG need is the amount you can receive monthly. It consists of:

  • Basic allowance: This depends on the type of education and the educational institution. It forms the basis of your need and differs for students and pupils.

  • Housing allowance: This is determined by whether you live with your parents or not. If you do not live with your parents, the allowance is significantly higher. It covers part of your rent, regardless of how much your actual rent is.

  • Surcharges for health and nursing care insurance: You only receive these if you are no longer covered by your parents' family insurance and have to pay your own health and nursing care contributions.

2. What about the BAföG Maximum Rate?

The BAföG maximum rate is the amount that trainees who do not live with their parents and are self-insured for health and nursing care can receive. Starting from the winter semester 2024/25, it will be €993 for students who do not live with their parents. This is composed as follows:

  • Basic allowance: €475

  • Housing allowance: €380

  • Health insurance surcharge: €102

  • Nursing care insurance surcharge: €35

For students who still live with their parents, the maximum rate is €671. The difference is mainly due to the lower housing allowance of €59.

3. The BAföG Calculator: Quick Help with Calculation

With our BAföG calculator, you can quickly and easily calculate your individual BAföG demand. The calculator takes into account all relevant factors such as basic allowance, housing allowance, and possible surcharges and gives you a realistic estimate of how much BAföG you are actually entitled to. Keep in mind that your income and assets, as well as the income of your parents or spouse, can reduce your need. Calculate now!

4. How is BAföG Need Calculated?

The BAföG need is the sum of all relevant factors necessary for your education. It corresponds to the BAföG maximum rate if you do not live with your parents and are self-insured for health and nursing care. The key factors include:

  • Basic allowance: Depending on your education and educational institution.

  • Housing allowance: Dependent on whether you live with your parents or not.

  • Surcharges: For health and nursing care insurance, and potentially a childcare surcharge.

5. Deductions for Income and Assets

The calculated need is usually reduced by your own income, the income of your parents or spouse, and any assets exceeding the exemption limit. This can reduce the actual funding amount.

6. Applying for BAföG: How It’s Done

To receive BAföG, you must submit a BAföG application. This can be done either online or in writing. It’s important to submit the application as early as possible, as processing can take several weeks. In the application, you need to provide information about yourself, your income and assets, as well as the income of your parents or spouse.

Conclusion: Quickly Gain Clarity with the BAföG Calculator

The BAföG maximum rate represents the highest level of support you can receive if you do not live with your parents and are self-insured for health and nursing care. With our BAföG calculator from LeistungsLotse, you can quickly and easily find out how much BAföG you are entitled to. Check now!

#bafoeg #entitlement #maximumrate #need #studentfinancing

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12053 Berlin


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12053 Berlin
