Your citizens allowance
All important information about the citizens allowance, the amount and eligibility
Basic security in every situation in life
Citizens allowance is a state social benefit that supports people who are unable to earn a living from their own resources, or are unable to do so in full. It serves to secure the minimum subsistence level and is paid out by the job centre. Citizens allowance can be received in addition to your own income or as full support. In addition to the standard rate, the job centre also covers the costs of accommodation and heating, provided they are deemed appropriate.
Who receives citizens allowance?
Citizens allowance is generally available to anyone who is in a financial emergency and fulfils the following requirements:
- Persons capable of earning aged 15 and over who live in Germany and do not have sufficient means of subsistence,
- Relatives, unable to work, in a benefit community (e.g. children or partners who are unable to work)
- Employed persons who, despite working, do not earn enough to fully cover their living expenses
What do I get?
The citizens allowance is made up of several components:
- Basic needs: The basic monthly amount for living expenses (e.g. for food, clothing and leisure). The amount varies depending on household size and age.
- Accommodation and heating costs: The rent and heating costs are covered at an "appropriate" level.
- Additional needs supplements: Additional financial support is available for certain groups, e.g. single parents, pregnant women or people with health restrictions.
- Education and participation package: For children and young people, there are grants for school materials, extra tuition and leisure activities.
How does it relate to other benefits?
Citizens allowance is a subordinate benefit. Those who receive citizens allowance are therefore not entitled to living allowance, as their rental costs are already covered by the job centre. Students generally receive BAföG but not citizens allowance, unless they are in a special emergency situation (e.g. hardship case regulation).
Income from secondary employment is taken into account, but there are allowances - a certain amount of income remains exempt.
- Additional income for young adults: If you are under 25 years old, you can earn up to the mini-job limit, currently €556, without being deducted.
- Further training opportunities: The citizens allowance includes funding for further training and qualifications to facilitate (re-)entry into the labour market.
- Notification and co-operation obligations: It is important that you fulfil your obligations towards the job centre so as not to risk a reduction in benefits.
basic needs (Level 1)
Are not applying
~ 800.000
Working recipients (on-top earners)
~ 1,7 Mio.
Recipients not capable of gainful employment