The BAföG proof of achievement is an essential prerequisite for continuing to receive state funding after the fourth semester. But what exactly does this mean, what requirements are involved and what happens if the proof is not provided on time? Find out everything you need to know here.
What is the BAföG proof of achievement?
The BAföG proof of achievement serves as proof to the BAföG office that you are making the required progress in your studies. This ensures that study grants are not awarded to students who neglect their academic obligations. Specifically, it is checked whether you have taken the necessary examinations in your degree programme and achieved the required credit points (credits).
What information does the proof of achievement contain?
The BAföG proof of achievement shows which academic achievements you have already completed. This includes in particular
Number of credit points earned (ECTS credits)
Confirmed examination results
An overview of the modules you have registered for and the work you have completed (overview of credits or transcript of records)
How many credits you need depends on your degree programme. As a rule, you are expected to have collected around 120 credits after four semesters, i.e. an average of 30 per semester.
When and where is the BAföG proof of achievement required?
As a rule, the proof must be submitted together with your BAföG follow-up application after the fourth semester. If there are delays in issuing the proof of achievement, for example because examinations have not yet been assessed, you can submit these documents later. However, it is important that the BAföG office is informed in good time.
To receive proof of achievement, you should contact the examinations office or secretariat at your university. In most cases, the so-called Form 5 is used, which is filled out by the responsible examination office and provided to you for forwarding.
Do you still need to apply for BAföG? With our BAföG calculator from LeistungsLotse, you can quickly and easily check whether and how much BAföG you are entitled to and send your application directly to us. Check now!
Effects of a change of specialisation on the BAföG proof of achievement
A change of degree programme (change of subject) has a significant impact on your BAföG proof of achievement. If you change, the BAföG office will check whether the new degree programme can be recognised and whether previous achievements will be transferred.
For example, if you have already taken exams or collected credit points, these may be recognised in the new subject. Otherwise, your study account for the new degree programme will start from scratch. It is important that you notify us of the change of specialisation in good time and submit a certificate of your previous level of performance.
An unexcused change without good reason can lead to your funding being cancelled. You should therefore always contact your BAföG office and find out about the requirements.
Change of school type and proof of achievement
A change of school type, for example from a specialised upper secondary school to a vocational upper secondary school, can also have an influence on the requirements for the BAföG proof of achievement. In such cases, it will also be checked whether you have achieved the required level of performance.
Often, not only your transcript of records, but also an overview of credit points or other evidence is used to assess your progress to date. Such a change may be associated with stricter requirements, so you should contact the BAföG office in good time.
What happens if the required credits are not achieved?
If you have not achieved the necessary credits, you may lose your BAföG funding. The office could assume that you will no longer be able to complete your studies within the standard period of study.
However, there are exceptions:
Delays due to illness
Family or personal hardship cases
Study-related reasons, such as a compulsory stay abroad
In such cases, you should contact your BAföG office in good time and submit the relevant evidence.
Does the proof of achievement also apply to student BAföG?
No proof of achievement is required for pupils, as there is no maximum funding period for this form of funding. The entitlement to Schüler-BAföG remains in place even if the pupil repeats a class. In addition, the Schüler-BAföG is a full grant that does not have to be paid back.
The BAföG proof of achievement plays a decisive role in the continuation of your student support. By informing yourself in good time and submitting all the necessary documents on time, you can secure your financial support. You should make sure that you submit all relevant documents such as transcripts of records, certificates and overviews of your modules, especially if you are changing subject, dropping out or studying abroad. Preparation and good organisation are the key to smooth student financing.
Do you still need to apply for BAföG? With our BAföG calculator from LeistungsLotse, you can quickly and easily check whether and how much BAföG you are entitled to and send your application directly to us. Check now!
The BAföG proof of achievement is an essential prerequisite for continuing to receive state funding after the fourth semester. But what exactly does this mean, what requirements are involved and what happens if the proof is not provided on time? Find out everything you need to know here.