About us

Our dedicated team is the heart of LeistungsLotse

Markus Poschenrieder
CEO / Co-Founder

Markus ensures that the product and the company are constantly evolving.

Alan Ostaszewski
CTO / Co-Founder

As a developer, Alan ensures the high technical quality standard of LeistungsLotse.

Schabnam Youssefi

Schabnam ensures that we always provide information on important social benefits topics.

Our Vision

Around half of those entitled to claim social benefits do not apply for them, while at the same time the poverty rate in Germany is over 16%. We are committed to making social benefits accessable to all those entitled and in need. Anyone who has an entitlement should know about it and be able to claim it.


With LeistungsLotse, we want to contribute to equal opportunities in our welfare state.


New technologies can make government processes more efficient and inclusive. We are committed to more user-oriented digitalisation.


We pursue a great mission and give 100% to realise it.