For better applications and shorter processing times.

LeistungsLotse revolutionises the application process: Digital, intuitive and error-free - simple for citizens, time-saving for authorities.

Contact us

Social services are often overburdened – citizens are overwhelmed

Due to the bureaucratic application processes and decentralised responsibilities, citizens often submit incorrect and incomplete applications. This excessive demand is reflected, for example, in the high rates of non-take-up.

These problems lead to delays, high costs and often unnecessary bureaucracy.

High fulfilment costs

for manual processing

High rejection rate

due to incorrect applications

Long processing time

as authorities are often overloaded

Many queries

due to unclear application processes

Simple user guidance for higher-quality applications

LeistungsLotse enables a user-centred and structured digital application process for citizens, while at the same time relieving the burden on social service providers.

Verifiable entitlement

before application


for correct and complete applications

Seamless connection

due to FITKO standards

High data protection standards

through GDPR compliance and server location in Germany

Customised design

specially adapted to your website

Multilingual and in easy language

for easy accessibility


Digitalisation by differentiation in the communication

How digital solutions can benefit from the differentiation between informal and formal communication using the example of social administration

Read more
Digitalisation as inevitable focus for municipalities

The future of administration: Why digitalisation is now a top priority for local authorities

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The informal procedure enables a high degree of flexibility in social administration. We inform users at every step of the application process without providing case-related advice in accordance with the RDG (Legal Services Act). In addition to the information on legal remedies, the most important obligations of the applicant are also pointed out.

The application can be easily integrated into the website in the design of the respective municipality. The data is transferred end-to-end to the administration's software.

LeistungsLotse is GDPR-compliant and has its server in Germany at the market leader Hetzner.

Markus Poschenrieder

How can we work together?

✅ Simply test with pilot

✅ Already available for living allowance

✅ Value-added price

Together we are shaping the future of social administration - digital, efficient and citizen-friendly.

Markus Poschenrieder

Make an appointment

+49 (0) 176 704 543 52
