Your vocational training allowance (BAB)

Everything you need to know about the vocational training allowance (BAB)


Vocational training allowance (BAB) - The support for vocational trainings

The vocational training allowance (BAB) is a state subsidy for trainees who no longer live with their parents and whose training allowance is not sufficient to cover their living costs. The benefit is paid by the Federal Employment Agency and helps to overcome financial hurdles during vocational training.

Who receives BAB?
BAB is aimed at trainees in recognised dual training occupations if they do not live with their parents during their training and:

  • are at least 18 years old,
  • the training centre is too far away,
  • they already have their own family or
  • an independent household is required for other reasons.

Participants in vocational preparation programmes can also receive BAB under certain conditions.

What do I get?
The amount depends on various factors, including your income, your parents' income and your rental costs. The requirement is calculated as follows:

  • Basic needs: Covers the general cost of living.
  • Flat-rate housing allowance: Is paid if you no longer live with your parents.
  • Travel costs: Allowances for travelling to the training centre and vocational school.
  • Childcare allowance: Support for trainees with their own child.

The benefit does not have to be repaid.

How does it relate to other benefits?
BAB is intended to support traditional vocational training, while BAföG, for example, is only granted for school and academic training. Those who receive BAB are also not entitled to living allowance, although the entire household may still be entitled.
BAB effectively replaces citizens allowance for trainees. If BAB is not sufficient, it may be possible to apply for a supplementary citizens allowance.


  • Check your parents' income: If your parents earn little or are liable to pay maintenance, this can affect the amount of BAB.
  • Use additional funding: There is supplementary aid such as the training allowance for people with disabilities.
Check BAB
822 €

maximum amount

~ 60.000

trainees receive BAB