BAföG and disability: What special regulations apply?

Young woman in a wheelchair sits at her desk, looks at two screens and types on her keyboard

For students with disabilities, there are various regulations in the student support (BAföG) system that aim to compensate for disadvantages and enable them to study despite health restrictions. In this article, you will find out what special compensation for disadvantages exists and how you can apply for it.

Age limit at the start of studies

The regular age limit for receiving BAföG is 45. However, students who start their studies later due to a disability or illness can apply for an exception. In this case, it is important that the degree programme is started immediately after the reasons for the impediment no longer apply. An example of this would be starting your studies immediately after recovering from a serious illness.

Hardship allowances in the income calculation

When calculating the allowable income of parents or spouses, additional allowances can be taken into account if a disability causes extraordinary expenses. This regulation applies both to the applicants themselves and to dependent family members. To apply for the hardship allowance, proof such as a certificate of severe disability or a medical certificate is required.

Capital allowances and undue hardship

Students with disabilities can claim higher capital allowances. For students over the age of 30, the allowance is 45,000 €, under 30 it is 15,000 €. Under certain circumstances, other assets can be excluded from the allowance, for example:

  • A car that is necessary for mobility due to a disability.

  • Assets that are specifically intended to cover disability-related costs.

  • Property that is adapted for the disabled or used for such purposes.

Do you want to apply for BAföG? With our BAföG calculator from LeistungsLotse, you can quickly and easily check whether and how much BAföG you are entitled to and send your application directly to us. Check now!

Extension of funding beyond the standard period of study

If the study programme is extended due to a disability or illness, students can apply for an extension of BAföG funding. The following evidence must be provided:

  • The causal relationship between the disability and the study delay.

  • Documentation of the actual time lost. The extension must be applied for before the end of the current authorisation period. If approved, support for the additional period will be granted as a full grant.

Change of degree programme for health reasons

A change of degree programme after the start of the fourth semester is not normally funded. However, if there is a serious illness or disability that makes it impossible to continue the previous course of study, this can be recognised as an unavoidable reason. In such cases, students should seek counselling at an early stage and provide all the necessary evidence to secure their entitlement.

Counselling obligations of the BAföG offices

BAföG offices are legally obliged to provide students with comprehensive counselling and to ensure that they are informed about their rights and options. For students with disabilities in particular, the offices have a special responsibility to offer support in order to remove barriers to access.

This includes providing communication assistance when it is needed. Examples of this include interpreting services for deaf students, accessible application forms or personal counselling sessions in easily accessible rooms. The aim is to enable all students to submit their applications without any problems and to fully realise their entitlements.

Students with disabilities should not be afraid to explicitly point out their needs, as the BAföG offices are obliged to find individual solutions. This also includes the possibility of simplifying application procedures or taking longer processing times into account if necessary.

Legal obligation for accessibility at universities

Universities in Germany are legally obliged to ensure accessibility in order to enable all students, including people with disabilities, to participate in education on an equal footing. This obligation arises from various legal bases, including the Disability Equality Act (BGG), the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) and the higher education laws of the federal states.

Accessibility not only includes access to buildings, but also the design of teaching materials, examinations and digital platforms. For example, universities must ensure that courses take place in accessible rooms and that digital content, such as lecture notes or online courses, is accessible for screen readers. The provision of compensation for disadvantages, such as extended processing times for examinations or the provision of alternative examination formats, is also part of the implementation of accessibility.

Compliance with the legal requirements is supported by the universities through disability officers or corresponding advice centres. Students with disabilities have the right to demand support and point out possible shortcomings so that obstacles can be removed and studying is possible without restrictions.

Accessibility at universities is not only a legal requirement, but also an important step towards greater inclusion and equal opportunities in the education system.

Tips for applying and documenting evidence

In order to apply for BAföG disability-related benefits, comprehensive documentation of the circumstances is essential. This includes:

  • Severely disabled pass or medical certificates.

  • Written records of disability-related study delays.

  • If necessary, an application for an advance decision to clarify eligibility.


BAföG offers valuable support for students with disabilities to help them cope with the challenges of studying. From higher asset allowances and the extension of funding to hardship compensation regulations, there are numerous ways to obtain financial relief. It is important to submit all applications in good time and to carefully document the necessary evidence in order to benefit from the advantages.

Do you want to apply for BAföG? With our BAföG calculator from LeistungsLotse, you can quickly and easily check whether and how much BAföG you are entitled to and send your application directly to us. Check now!

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