The rising costs of health and care insurance are a financial burden for many students, especially if they are no longer co-insured with their parents. However, there is relief for student support (BAföG) recipients: the BAföG subsidy for health insurance. In this article, you will find out which requirements must be met, how much the subsidy is and what you need to bear in mind when applying.
Requirements for the BAföG health insurance subsidy
In order to receive the health insurance subsidy, it is relevant that you pay your contributions yourself. This is the case if you have to finance your health and care insurance contributions yourself, i.e. if you have voluntary or private insurance.
You will therefore not receive a subsidy in the following cases:
Part-time job: If you are employed without working student status, you will be covered by health insurance as an employee. As a working student, you may not work more than 20 hours per week. Actually, you would not be entitled to BAföG if you worked more hours. It is best to check this with your employer.
Family insurance: Up to the age of 25, you are generally covered by your parents' family insurance and cannot apply for a subsidy.
The insurance status of your parents is particularly important:
If both parents have statutory insurance, you will generally remain covered by family insurance until you are 25 and pay nothing
If one parent is privately insured, it depends on the income of the privately insured parent whether you remain in the family insurance; if both parents are privately insured, it depends on the health insurance company.
Amount of the BAföG subsidy for health and care insurance
The subsidy is based on the contributions for statutory student health insurance, which are calculated uniformly for all health insurance companies:
Health insurance subsidy: Up to €102 per month (as of August 2024).
Care insurance allowance: Up to €35 per month (as of August 2024).
This subsidy applies to both students and pupils who receive BAföG. The actual amount of contributions may vary slightly depending on the health insurance company, as additional contributions may be added.
If you are over 30 years old, you generally no longer benefit from the favourable student health insurance. You must then take out voluntary statutory or private insurance. Then the following supplements apply to you:
Health insurance allowance: Up to €185 per month (as of August 2024).
Care insurance allowance: Up to €48 per month (as of August 2024).
With our BAföG calculator from LeistungsLotse, you can quickly and easily check whether and how much BAföG you are entitled to and send your application directly to us. Remember to apply for the BAföG health insurance subsidy separately. Check now!
How to apply for the BAföG health insurance subsidy
You will need the following documents for the application:
BAföG forms: Fill out the general form 1 and form 9.
Proof of insurance: Request a document from your health insurance company confirming your contribution payment.
You can also use our application to easily check and apply for your exact entitlement. Check now!
Repayment of the grant: What you should know
Whether and to what extent the grant has to be repaid depends on the type of BAföG funding you receive:
Pupil BAföG: This is a full grant that does not have to be repaid.
Student BAföG: Half of your grant is an interest-free loan that you have to pay back later. The subsidy for health insurance counts towards the total amount eligible for funding and is taken into account accordingly on a pro rata basis.
You can find more information about BAföG repayment here.
Conclusion: BAföG grant as important support
The BAföG subsidy for health insurance is a valuable financial relief for students who have to pay their own contributions. If you fulfil the requirements and apply in good time, you can receive up to €137 per month. Check your insurance status and take advantage of this opportunity to reduce the financial burden of your studies.
With good planning, you can optimally integrate the grant into your budget and make your studies a little easier.
With our BAföG calculator from LeistungsLotse, you can quickly and easily check whether and how much BAföG you are entitled to and send your application directly to us. Remember to apply for the BAföG health insurance subsidy separately. Check now!