
Citizen's allowance or student support (BAföG)? What You Need to Know!

Sep 1, 2024

Student support or citizens allowance

Students and pupils, whose education can usually be funded by student support ("BAföG"), are generally not entitled to citizens' allowance. However, there are exceptions and special regulations that you should be aware of in order to apply for the right support in difficult situations. Here you will find out when you can receive citizens' allowance, what exceptions exist, and how special life circumstances can influence your entitlement.

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  1. Basic Principle: No citizens' allowance for students and pupils

The basic principle is simple: If your education is generally eligible for BAföG, you will not receive citizens' allowance. This applies even if you do not actually receive BAföG. What matters is that your education would be eligible. This includes, for example, first-degree studies at public universities or full-time school programs that take up all your time.

Note: The exclusion only applies to benefits for securing your livelihood. Other types of assistance, such as special additional needs in specific life situations, can still be applied for.

  1. Exceptions: When you can still receive citizens' allowance

There are a few exceptions where you can receive citizens' allowance despite being eligible for BAföG:

  1. Your education is not eligible for BAföG

If your education is not eligible for BAföG from the outset, you can receive citizens' allowance. This applies, for example, to:

  • Pupils in grades 1–9.

  • Pupils in grade 10 and above who live with their parents and whose education does not require a completed vocational training.

  • Students enrolled in an official part-time study program.

In such cases, you can apply for citizens' allowance if your livelihood is not otherwise secured.

  1. Special groups of pupils and students

Some pupils and students may receive citizens' allowance under certain conditions, such as:

  • Pupils in grade 10 and above who do not live with their parents and do not receive BAföG.

  • Students who receive BAföG or do not receive BAföG due to income and assets.

These groups can apply for citizens' allowance if they are in a situation of particular hardship.

  1. Interruption of education due to illness, pregnancy, or childcare

Do you need to interrupt your education due to illness, pregnancy, or childcare? Then, after a certain period, you can apply for citizens' allowance. For interruptions of up to three months, you will continue to receive BAföG. If the interruption lasts longer, you can apply for citizens' allowance if you are in need.

  1. Special cases

In special cases, you can receive citizens' allowance despite being excluded. These benefits are often granted as a loan and cover standard benefits, housing costs, and health and long-term care insurance contributions.

  1. Citizens' Allowance 2024: Amount and additional needs

In 2024, citizens' allowance rates were increased by 12%. How much you receive depends on your individual income and asset situation.

Even if you do not receive citizens' allowance for your livelihood, you can claim certain additional needs in special life situations, such as:

  • Additional needs for expectant mothers from the 13th week of pregnancy.

  • Additional needs for single parents.

  • Additional needs for special medical diets.

  • Initial equipment for pregnancy and childbirth.

You can apply for these additional needs regardless of whether you receive BAföG or not.

If you live with children, you may be able to apply for citizens' allowance for them under certain circumstances, such as if child support is not otherwise secured.

  1. Differences from Hartz IV and social assistance

Citizens' allowance has replaced the former unemployment benefit II ("Hartz IV"). Some regulations have been adjusted, such as higher asset exemptions and a grace period for higher rents in the first year of receipt. There are also new sanction options.

People who are unable to work and do not live with someone who is eligible for assistance can still receive social assistance. This also applies to students and pupils who are sick for more than six months or unable to work due to a disability.


Students and pupils are generally not entitled to citizens' allowance if their education is eligible for BAföG. However, there are important exceptions and special life circumstances that may still entitle you to citizens' allowance. Carefully assess your situation and apply for the necessary benefits in time.

You can check which social benefits you are entitled to with our LeistungsLotse tool. Check now!

#citizensallowance #bafoeg #socialbenefits #studies

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12053 Berlin


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Rollbergstraße 28A
12053 Berlin


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12053 Berlin
