
Living allowance for students: When can you get it?

Sep 3, 2024

No BAföG? Then living allowance!

As a student, it can be challenging to cover the high rental costs. Fortunately, in certain cases, there is the possibility of applying for living allowance. But when exactly are you, as a student, eligible for living allowance? Here you’ll learn about the situations in which you can receive living allowance and what to keep in mind.

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  1. Living Allowance Despite student support ("BAföG") Eligibility?

Many students assume that they cannot receive living allowance due to their BAföG eligibility. This is true in most cases – but there are exceptions. If you receive BAföG as a full loan, for example, under the study completion assistance scheme, you have the option of applying for housing allowance. Even if you rely on the loan for a while due to a second change of field of study, you can apply for living allowance.

Even if you are eligible for BAföG, it may be possible to receive living allowance in certain situations. This applies, for example, if you live with a partner who has a low income or receives BAföG as a loan. Living allowance is also possible if you live with a partner and children.

  1. No BAföG Entitlement? Chances of Housing Allowance

If you are not entitled to BAföG, you may be eligible for Living allowance. Here are some reasons why that might be the case:

  • Your education is not eligible for BAföG funding, for example, because you are studying at a non-state-recognized school or completing your studies part-time.

  • You are already in a second vocational training or a second degree, and the conditions for BAföG are not met.

  • You changed your field of study too late, or the reason for the change was not accepted.

  • You did not submit the performance record in time.

  • You were over 45 years old at the start of your studies and do not meet any of the conditions that would justify a BAföG entitlement.

  • You receive a scholarship from one of the major gifted support organizations. A list can be found here.

Note: If you do not receive BAföG because your income, assets, or those of your parents are too high, you are also not eligible for living allowance.

  1. What to Keep in Mind for Housing Allowance

  1. Living Allowance Application for the Entire Household

If you are eligible for living allowance and live in a household with other people, keep in mind that living allowance is always applied for on behalf of the entire household. The person who signed the rental contract is generally the one eligible to apply for living allowance. If you live in a shared flat (WG) and everyone has signed the contract, each person can submit their own housing allowance application – provided they are eligible.

  1. Which Household Members Count?

How much living allowance your household receives depends on the number of household members. Household members are all individuals living with you in a "community of responsibility and support," such as a partner, children, or close relatives. Flatmates or subtenants who are not related to you do not count.

  1. How Is the Rent Considered?

For the calculation of housing allowance, the gross rent is considered, which includes the base rent plus additional costs such as garbage collection and water. Certain costs, such as for work-related rooms or parts paid by subtenants, are deducted.

Note: The portion of the rent that applies to non-eligible household members is also deducted.

  1. Income and the Amount of Living Allowance

In addition to the number of household members and the rent, income also plays a role. Living allowance is only available if the income is below a certain threshold. This limit depends on the rent level and household size. However, a bigger issue can be the minimum income. If you earn too little, you will not receive living allowance, as it is intended only as a rent subsidy and not to cover your living expenses.

Note: If you do not meet the minimum income requirement for living allowance, you may be entitled to citizens' allowance.

  1. Using a Housing Allowance Calculator

To find out how much housing allowance you can expect, a housing allowance calculator can help. The calculator from the Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development, and Building (BMWSB) provides a rough estimate. Alternatively, you can use more detailed calculators for specific federal states, which often provide more accurate results.

  1. Application Process and Processing Times

You submit the living allowance application to the living allowance office in your municipality or city administration. Processing times can vary depending on the region, often taking up to 7 months. Therefore, you should submit your application as early as possible to receive housing allowance on time.


Even though it can often be difficult for students to receive living allowance, there are still chances under certain conditions. Carefully check if you or your household fall under one of the exceptions and apply for your living allowance in time.

You can check which social benefits you are entitled to with our LeistungsLotse tool. Check here to see what you qualify for. Check now!

#livingallowance #bafoeg #socialbenefits #studies

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12053 Berlin


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